Legs Of Steel : Nothing Else Matters


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Legs Of Steel crew prináša novinku Nothing Else Matters, o ktorej produkciu, réžiu a strih sa postaral Andre Nutini.
Vo videu môžte vidieť jazdcov ako Tobi Reindl, Bene Mayr, Paddy Graham, Thomas Hlawitschka, Sven Kueenle, Fabio Studer, Max Hill, Lucas and Tobi Mangold, Antti Ollila, Oscar Scherlin, Lolo Favre, Elvis Harsheim, Sebi Geiger, Nico Zacek, Tobi Tritscher a Toni Höllwart.

Ček it!

Zdroj: legsofsteel.eu
Video: vimeo.com
Foto: redbull.com